5489.0 - International Merchandise Trade, Australia: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 2015  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 11/11/2015   
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11.65 Accessibility refers to the ease of access to data by users, including the ease with which the existence of information can be ascertained, as well as the suitability of the form or medium through which information can be accessed. The cost of information may also represent an aspect of accessibility for some users. This is a key component of quality as it relates directly to the capacity of users to identify the availability of relevant information, and then access it in a convenient and suitable manner.

11.66 In discussing accessibility of international merchandise trade statistics, the following aspects will be covered: data availability, metadata availability (i.e. information about the data) and the degree of interpretive assistance available to users of the data. Data availability involves issues of data presentation and distribution media as well as the availability of non-standard data. Metadata availability is whether information concerning the concepts, sources and methods associated with the data is provided to statistical users. Accessibility also encompasses whether the information surrounding or supporting the data is openly available to the public.

11.67 Most aspects of accessibility are determined by ABS wide dissemination policies and delivery systems.


11.68 The ABS provides users with ready access to international merchandise trade statistics. All publications and standard products are available free of charge on the ABS website and this includes international merchandise trade information.

11.69 Users requiring more detailed statistics than those available on the ABS website can submit a data request, and if available, it will be provided as a 'user pays' service.


11.70 The ABS has a range of ways of providing users with information about international merchandise trade statistics. This publication explains the concepts, sources and methods which underlie the compilation of Australia's international merchandise trade statistics.

11.71 International merchandise trade data releases also include metadata information in the Explanatory Notes, Main Features, Changes in this Issue, Feature Articles and in time series spreadsheets and data cubes.

11.72 Changes to classifications or methodologies are advised to users well in advance of implementation through specially prepared information papers and information in the data releases.


11.73 Release dates for international merchandise trade publications are announced well in advance on the ABS website, in publications and in the Release Advice for ABS Publications.

11.74 In releasing statistics, the ABS adheres to long established principles that the results of statistical collections should be made available as soon as practicable. An embargo is placed on the release of statistics until 11.30am (Canberra time) on the designated day of release. There are strict security procedures to ensure that there is no unauthorised access to statistics prior to release.


11.75 Each international merchandise trade release contains information about who to contact if users need more information about the statistics. Depending on the nature of the inquiry ABS staff in the National Information and Referral Service or a subject matter expert can be contacted.

11.76 The National Information and Referral Service can assist in finding or accessing ABS products and services. This service can be accessed by telephone on 1300 135 070 or the ABS Inquiry Form. Limited free data and information is given over the phone. The National Relay Service provides services for the hearing and speech impaired.